It is hard to fathom that our school library has been silent for over one year! Following state mitigation guidelines, students are staying within their classroom cohort. However, it is not the only silent room in the building. Specialist teachers (art, computer, library, music, physical education …) go to the classrooms. So it was with great joy that I heard excited tiny voices exclaiming, ” Here it is!” and “I found the ‘J’!” and “Ba, ba, ba. I found the ‘B’!”
I had to venture from my lab to see what the commotion was. The Early Learners (3yo) were hunting down hidden alphabet task cards. Their small classroom abuts the library and lab, there are only six students, and they wore little masks.
I tagged along behind them, watching as they carefully traced the corresponding letter on their activity sheet.
They were very proud of their personal clipboard and highlight marker. What a sweet, short, engaging lesson. A clipboard and highlight marker – such a little thing with a huge payback. 😀