Here is a fun, novel way to introduce a dinosaur unit to younger grades: use QR codes! You will need a recording sheet and pencil, an iPad or tablet, a QR code reader app and of course the Dino Task Cards. iPads have a built-in QR code reader right into its camera. But, if you wish to download an app, here are a few: Qrafter, QR Reader, or Quick Scan-Qr Code Reader . Not only does this digital activity introduce students to vocabulary (extinct, fossil, paleontologist, skeleton, …); It gets them up out of their chairs and moving.
While the students are at recess, I tape the task cards around the classroom. Each card is numbered 1-10. The recording sheet has corresponding numbers as well. I circle a number randomly on each sheet so that each student group has a different starting point (e.g. Students A & B start at #1, Students C and D start at #2, so on…).
This activity is a great way to introduce or sum up a lesson on fossils and paleontology. You can find this FREEBIE on my TpT Store! I’d love to hear back how it went for your students. Thanks for stopping by!